Saturday, June 21, 2008

FUSS MACHINE - Nobody's Perfect; I am Nobody!

Isn't it irritating that our very basic vocabulary comprises of words which are subjectively defined? Good, Bad, Right, Wrong even True and False, for that matter, are debatable courtesy conflicting contexts. The problem word in question is "Perfect". Wouldn't it be perfect is at least 'PERFECT' was perfect??? 'Perfect' is probably the superlative to best since best itself is superlative for good and better [Good; Better; Best]. For bare minimums everyone would agree that it lies at the upper-end of the continuum. That in itself is enough to detect the loophole. The concept of perfection is similar to that of infinity. NOT DEFINED! Even two infinity signs can't be equated however much we would wish for convenience's sake. So that quite explains why no one gets full marks on English. Nothing is completely right and nothing is entirely wrong! Everything is relative and the w.r.ts (with respect to’s) aren't standardized! "SUBJECTIVITY" is the name of the game!!!

So! With so much of ambiguity, how did the (so-called) "Perfectionist" come around? At the very outset I would like to differentiate between a Fully Functioning Person (FFP) or a Self-Actualized Individual and a Perfectionist. For all those who are laymen to the Humanistic Approach in Psychology; a FFP is "one who is sensitive to the needs and rights of others, but does not allow society's standards to shape her/his feelings and actions to an excessive degree." Self-actualization is a related concept viz. a state in which people have reached their own fullest potential; a holistic approach focusing the larger picture. The Perfectionist in contrast is too obsessed with the onion rings being congruent in shape, every hand-written letter being a photocopy of the same elsewhere and the groceries being kept in alphabetical order (Danny Tanner in Full House, Monday to Friday 1800 hrs Zee Cafe) to go beyond anything but detail!!! Food for thought: How many of you have wondered while eating Pringles the amount of wastage involved in packaging one single stack of identical chips?

When did you last hear someone boasting of being a Perfectionist? First of all Perfectionists are far from perfect so the very notion of Perfectionism is wrong. "Nobody's Perfect" still stands true through the test of time. Coming to the "I am Nobody" of the refined maxim; there's absolutely NOTHING to boast about in being a Perfectionist. The point being Perfectionists have some serious issues in life. I reckon they suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorders. They can NEVER have long-term relationships! They tend to withdraw at the peak of a relationship. Why contradict myself by addressing the "Perfect Relationship" (happy, content, satisfied, ideal, successful are complete no-no’s for me in the circumference of this article) when the Fuss Machine would put people off even before they enter into a relationship with her/him? Even another Perfectionist would be subjected to rejection by a Perfectionist! You know how the make of the human being is; there has to be at least ONE flaw, and when you get too close to the perfectionist, that one negligible fault becomes a glare-in-the-face for her/him. And after you've scratched your head enough trying to figure out where Ms./Mr. Paranoid vanished in the middle of an intimate kiss... You'll discover... IMPERFECTION!!!

Never at Peace...

Signing out... Perfectionist


Natansh Verma said...

A blank answer is neither correct, nor incorrect. What is it?

And interesting to note that you (probably) like full house as well!

SO you a perfectionist?

Amen. said...

What are you referring to, in terms of 'blank answer'?
And I LURRVE Full House... I've grown up on a staple diet of Full House re-runs. I had (and still have) the hots for John Stamos (Uncle Jessie). "Have mercy..."

Amen. said...

Yes. I am a perfectionist. In certain obsessive compulsive ways... For instance, I re-read smses and edit them before finally sending them in. Then I can't step out of the house without a bath. Even if I just have to go till Gupta's or go down to pick up some laundry that blew into the lawn of the house beneath, etc., etc.