Saturday, June 21, 2008


For all the excited campus-hopping DU aspirants, here's a statutory warning, all isn't as hunky-dory as it seems from the outside. Veterans give an insight into what is in store for freshers. From 'friendly interactions' to transport, pocket-no-money to notes, here's a one-stop guide to all your college problems.


"Nothing constructive has come out of banning ragging", says Nikita, now a 2nd year student. "Freshers who resisted ragging quoting the 'Say No to Ragging' rule faced the music throughout the year. Such behavior never goes down well with seniors and these students earn themselves a negative reputation amongst peers too". Some schools are reputed for churning out the so-called "snobs" or "snoots". Another 2nd year warns against the not disclosing the school name tactic. "A girl from my batch initially refused to name her school, on insistence she took some other school's name. Since students from that school were present there, her act fell flat on its face. Nothing could have been more embarrassing".

Veteran Tips:

1. Dress down, there will be a lot of time to show off later. Do not unnecessarily invite attention to yourself.

2. Without sounding over-enthusiastic, volunteer to do the safer, more regular stuff such as singing, dancing, acting, etc. Go prepared with interesting alternatives, seniors too do run out of ideas and novelty never goes unappreciated. Make it enjoyable for yourself, you'll be telling practically everyone about these incidents the rest of your life.

3. If you find something you've been demanded to do provocative, genuinely sound confused and do a miserable job at it. The seniors eventually get bored of non-performers and move on.

4. Find seniors from your school and remain in groups. Very large groups, too attract attention.


It's about time you became conversant with Bus Routes. In any case you're safer 'on' a blue-line than on the road using any other mode of transport. Chances are you'll live longer. There are certain sites that have come up in the last six months which offer services like second-hand bikes and organize car-pool. Girls, especially, shouldn't hesitate in asking men to get off women's seats if they wish to make their bus journeys more comfortable. Dial 100 if an auto-wallah refuses to run by the meter. Do not practice courtesy when it comes to asking people who are travelling alone in an auto and going the same direction as yours. This one might not be applicable to the girls.


You will barely be left with any money at all after paying your travel expenses and getting books photocopied, which will be on a daily basis if you wish to submit your weekly assignments on time. You'll have to do away with your food money at times. Go for momos or chhole kulche which are not only available everywhere but cost Rs. 10-15 and are light on the pocket and filling enough as a mid-day meal. Between classes, there wouldn't even be time to eat more. If you carry food from home, carry a serving size of 3-4 if you wish to get your portion of it.


If you have been boasting of not issuing a single book from the library throughout school, you'll have a tough time coping up with college. The concept of textbooks is redundant. You'll be running after books which might have just a para on the topic you're covering. With the number of assignments you get on a weekly basis, and the number of reference books required per assignment, photo-copying is a must. At the end of the three years of college, you'll regret you didn't buy a photocopy machine. Borrow notes from seniors, but don't sit over them, share your resources. The best idea is to make your own notes immediately as you will reduce the garbage-disposal problem you'll face at the end of the year. Since your seniors are dying to get rid of the kabaad, getting their notes out of them shouldn't be much of a problem.

1 comment:

Natansh Verma said...

Ragging, well I am against it, completely. It's a horrible act, in whatever form.

The rest of the stuff is pretty generic, and applies to most, if not all.